Well Hello Winter! I can't say that I am happy to see you because I'm not. Whether we like it or not, winter is here and it is time to switch up our beauty routine. The harsh winter winds and frigid temperatures can take toll on lips, face, hair, hands, and overall body. I have some tips on how to keep your skin looking soft and radiant during the bitter winter months.
1. Lips
Our lips can take brutal beating as a result of winters' cold winds. After the cold winds hit our lips, we are left with cracked, dry and flaky lips. Ladies( and some of you men), this is not acceptable. We have to make sure our lips are soft, moisturize and most important healthy.
I love lips scrubs because they help the exfoliate dry skin cells, leaving my lips feeling super soft. Exfoliating your lips is a task that anyone can do. It is best to exfoliate your lips once a week. Feel free to exfoliate your lips all year long. I'm just making an emphasis on the winter months because ours lips get wind chapped often durings these months. You can purchase a lip scrub or you can make your own. Do it yourself lips scrubs are super easy to concoct. Just follow the recipe below to create your own lip scrub! After mixing, you can save the unused portion up to a week.
NOTE: Make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients before using this recipe.
1/2 tsp honey
1 Tbsp white sugar ( I like to use brown sugar because I love the way it taste)
1 tsp olive oil
This is how the ingredients look before mixing:
Before Mixing |
Next, combine all ingredients until the contents are mixed well:
After mixing
Third, take the sweet mixture and rub gently the it over your lips. If you feel some rough tugging and pulling, that's the sugar granules exfoliating your skin. Do this for about 1 minute, this rinse off or lick off (whatever your prefer). How does your lips feel now? Do they feel soft? Yay!! That's Great. Follow up the lip scrub treatment with favorite lip balm and you are good to go. Your lips are ready for the winter!
2. Face
It's important to make sure that you are still using SPF in the winter. Yes... Even in the winter, the sun rays are still harmful too your skin during this time. UVA and UBV rays can damage the skin cells on your face all year long. So what is your solution to this? Making sure that after you cleanse your face, that you are applying a moisture with SPF. Dermatologist recommends that you apply sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 20 to your skin for protection from the sun. Take the time and find the right sunscreen moisturizer for your skin type.
3. Hair
Cold winter winds can take a toll on your hair, which makes your hair drier. During the winter months, it is important that your hair gets the proper moisturizer that it needs to prevent hair breakage. First, make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Personally, I noticed that I do not drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, I noticed the end of hair breaking more often. Second, make you that you are deep conditioning your hair weekly. You want aim for a product that says something similar to,"apply for 7 to 10 mins with heat". These products are moisturizers treatments or deep conditioners, which is what we want. Make sure to read the back of the product labels. For added moisture, add a tablespoon of coconut oil to the deep conditioner. Pop on a condition cap to ensure the conditioner reaches each hair strand during the moisterizing session.
4. Hands
You can use the Sugar Scrub from the Lip Section of this post to give your hands a light exfoliation if you like. You might have to double the mixture and your hands will thanks you later :)
Make sure that you purchase a hand cream to moisturize your hands from the bitter cold. Applying moisturizer to you hand will act as a protective barrier between the harsh cold and your skin. Hand creams are a little thicker than regular lotions on purpose to provide extra moisture. Make your wear gloves during winter months to aid further protection from the cold. If you do not have gloves, then this is a great excuse to go shopping!
5. Body
Purchase a Humidifier. Talk to your doctor before using a humidifier if you have allergies or respiratory concerns. Humidifiers can be a great source of moisturize for your body while in your home. Humidifiers devices increase levels of moisture in your home. Just sleep with a humidifier at night and in the morning you will notice your skin is more radiant and revitalized. Dont forget to research different types of humidifiers to figure out which one that is right for you.
With these tips and tricks, you are now ready to tackle the harsh winter weeks ahead. Don't worry, spring is just around the corner. Bundle up Beauties!